Institute of Human Excellence
About Us
Vision and Mission

Our Vision:

To have a profound impact on the role, performance, attitudes and behaviours of corporations and other organisations, such that they become expressions of human excellence in achievement, in progress, in social contribution, in stakeholder care, and in environmental responsibility.

Our Mission:

The mission of IHE is to bring together the best minds in collaboration to provide a full spectrum of developmental interventions for corporations. We are dedicated to helping others, as well as ourselves, in the drive towards personal excellence, led by Ghandi’s call of “be the change”. Our intention is to be the change agent of choice in the corporate space across Australia and the Asian Pacific region.

Vision 2020:

Visionary leadership; what is being asked of us?

Humanity is facing an unprecedented crisis which we share together with all life forms on this planet, and we are at the cross roads of mass extinction or mass evolution. This crisis is pregnant with Niran Jiang the greatest possibility for humanity to breakthrough and to transform. The continuation of our civilisations and the future happiness of our children, depend on how we are, and what we do today.

As a tender mother, a nature lover and consciousness leader, I hold boundless compassion and hope for our collective future. This is the most exciting time ever to be alive… the decisions we make collectively in the next decade will seed the future of humanity. I knew this when I was 4 years old roaming among the mud houses in Inner Mongolia. My grandmother would say to me: “Girl, get ready to ride your red dragon…”

I believe we are being asked to remember who we really are, to question why we live and work the way we do, and to envision what is possible for us to yet become. We are asked to awake to our true potential, to evolve our consciousness, and to collaborate with nature. We must balance our doing with our being, quantity with quality, consumption with sustainability, technology with wisdom, competition with collaboration and hierarchy with self-responsibility.

Never before in human history has the leadership of human affairs more critical than it is now. Our future rests on our leadership capacity to find balance. To balance is to follow with our intuitive nature, to be agile with our identity and to become one with others. It is learning to flow like water. Water becomes square when it flows around a square, or circular when around a circle. Water avoids high, chooses low and moves with gravity. Water washes away dirt, evaporates self and leaves behind green pastures. Water drips through stone, carves open mountains and never turns back. Such is the nature of our wisdom and compassion, the most critical area of leadership development.

In developing ourselves so, we learn to be aligned with nature, to be in our flow zone, and to work with rather than against our humanity. Our creativity will blossom like a thousand flowers and we shall leave behind an amazing planet for our children to discover who they really are, and what is possible for them to become. This is the essence of who we are, how we service our clients and what we do to help leaders and organisations grow, transform and achieve their best.

Such is our vision for excellence, and how we will continue to make a difference in the next decade. We invite you to collaborate with us for visionary leadership.

Niran Jiang, Director, Institute of Human Excellence

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