The fundamental ethos of coaching is that each person has unique qualities that can be mined, brought out and put to good use. The fundamental hypothesis of transpersonal methodology is that each person has a unique journey to take and, along the way, a unique contribution to make to the greater whole. Implicit in these principles is the fact that external attempts to force or steer another will only take them away from their path and restrict their potential.
Coaching is a subtle yet very powerful way to help a person to discover and manifest their full potential. IHE trains managers to manage in a coaching style, provides external coaches for executives and teams, and trains in-house trainers to become expert in delivering internal coaching courses for managers.
Individual coaching is undertaken on any subject of the coachee’s choice. It could also be focussed on coaching skill development, on leadership or on CSR issues such as corporate values and ethics or on meaning and purpose for the individual. Individual Coaching is usually contracted in blocks of 12 hourly sessions. On-going coaching and facilitation is available for work teams as required.
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